Dear Nma Agha
Emerging on the political landscape of Abia as Deputy Governor at a relatively young age of 44, you have shown resilience and subsequently evolved as the consistent vanguard of the aspirations of the downtrodden and eloquent voice of the vocally disadvantaged.

Distinguished Senator, considering your numerous societal achievements on state, regional and national platforms it is difficult to believe you are just attaining the age of 69. Definitely the age looks good on you!
Therefore as I join family,friends and host of numerous admirers in celebrating this landmark birthday anniversary, it is my prayer that the good Lord continues to renew, sustain and uphold you for more exploits and resounding victories in the socio-political battles that daily confront the people you have sworn to fight for.
Continue to receive assurances of my sustained support and partnership on all fronts.
Prof Gregory Ibe, PhD, OFR(Enyi Abia)
March 1,2024